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Setup your first service

If you want some more context, you can look at our example project, which roughly mirrors this example.

Your first service

To add your first service, simply create a file such as .xlrte/config/services/my-shiny-new-services.yaml. This will be the baseline for this service in any environment. The important thing is you place these files in .xlrte/config/services, and that they have a .yaml or .yml file-ending.

A minimal content for your service-yaml would be:

name: my-shiny-service # the name of your service
runtime: cloudrun # runtime, at the moment, only cloudrun supported
base_name: hello-app
public: true #should this service be publicly accessible?
http2: false #should we use http2, for instance for gRPC?

The comments in the example explain most of the fields. We should perhaps explain base_name a little more closely:

A little bit about service version and artifact resolution

We assume the following things:

  • Your service Docker image is pushed to the Google Container Registry of the same project that hosts your xlrte environment.
  • The versions of your service are either defined in .xlrte/config/environments/[env]/versions.yaml as simple [servicename]: [version] key-pairs OR
    • you use the -v flag at runtime to define the version, but this will set the same version for ALL services, should you have more than one.

Based on these assumptions, xlrte will put together the correct artifact to deploy.