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What are Resources?

Resources are the services, such as databases, messaging middleware, block storage services (GCS, S3) etc that a service could depend on.

Typically resources will be identified by name and have two sets of configurations:

  • Service configuration, in the depends_on block.
  • Environment specific configuration in resources.yaml, which tells of environment specific resources.

The latter may not be necessary for all resources, and is not necessary for non-production environments, as all resources come pre-configured with sensible defaults for a cheap-to-run, low volume environment. However, where they are required, they will be separated as above, in order to enforce separation of concerns.

Example: a Postgres database

Say we wanted to add a postgres database as a dependency to a service, we might add something like this to the service.yaml file:

- name: my-pg-db
type: postgres

Because GCP's CloudSQL service is one that requires some settings to define resources allocated, we could have the following in an environment specific file, such as .xlrte/config/environments/prod/resources.yaml:

- name: my-pg-db
machine_type: db-n1-standard-4
storage_size: 50

This would tell GCP to allocate 50GB of db storage, using a db-n1-standard-4 instance. There are more configuration options available, which you can find in the GCP Resource Reference section of this documentation.